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The accuracy and reliability of official document translations
The practice and demand for translating formal personal documents are both widespread. Millions of personal documents are translated and submitted to governmental governments and commercial businesses as people relocate physically or online for job and other reasons. This is also one of the translation specialties that is most strictly controlled internationally. Translators are frequently required to take an exam, present credentials, and/or be sworn in by the appropriate ministry or administration. Yet, the secret nature of the source papers frequently means that only the clients themselves or the institutional personnel that handles the applications and cases can evaluate the accuracy of the associated translations.
The translation of official personal documents is typically regarded as falling under the umbrella of the developing field of community translation, as Taibi and Ozolins (Citation2016) have remarked. But when we take into account that official document translation plays a crucial role wherever there is human movement (and corresponding need to process identity, qualifications, and other documents), its importance as a specialization is undeniable - and moreover, increasingly acknowledged, as seen by EU efforts to introduce common standards for the practice (European Union, Citation2016).
The common model in terms of 'community translation' is the content issued by governmental or NGO agencies for the information needs of minority groups, and the accompanying difficulty of transmitting frequently unfamiliar processes.