Positions in Css

The best way to understand any property is to demonstrate the way you observe which I think is the quickest way to put that logic easily into someone’s mind So here are my observance on the following Property
The Positions in Css are Described below as :-
The Relative Position:- The class which is relative to the parent one . By default it is relative but if something is relative then we need to define that relative in respect of the child class that could be absolute to the parent one.
On the other way you can say that a class is relative in position from Left, right, center, bottom
Hence Giving the Position from these properties (top, bottom, left, right) will shift the div relative to the parents of that div.
Eg: Div1>div2>div3>
Hence the div3 will be relative to all the parents by default but giving position to div3 will be relative to the itself along with the parents who are basically by default As per window viewport.
The Absolute Property:- a class is absolute which is absolute to the relative class defined, that will be positioned from the relative class horizontally to vertically in positive pixel value 0 to max-value.
In case if it is not absolute to the nearest parent who is relative then it will be absolute to the document body.
Eg: div1> div>2 >(position:relative) div3>(position:absolute)
Eg: HTML> body>(position:relative) div1(position:absolute)
The Static Property: a static class can not be affected by the Top, bottom, right, left Property , hence in case if we want to overcome from the result of properties like Absolute or relative we can manage the affecting div using the staic property.
Eg:- Like a class who is wrapped in the parent class containing certain width in px with some position hence the child divs width can be set using the position static that wont be dependable from its parent class.
The fixed Property:- this is used to fixed the position of a div relative to its parent div which would be fixed on screen scroll.
Eg: If a div is Fixed to the nearest parent class and that parent class is relative to the that fixed div ,
The div will be fixed to that class from top as per the height covered its parent class and if the parent class will scroll with other class then the fixed one will remain with it and scroll along with the relative class defined.
Basically the fixed property are the easiest way to use in the parallax made using custom css property.

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